.uz 25,500 sum/year The best price in UZB!


Placing servers in a data center

Reliable data centers with uninterruptible power supply

When ordering for 1 year - 10% discount
Promo code: BCCOLOCATION2024

24x7 support


900 000 sum

per month
Size 1U
1 IP address, 1 port
Power supply 1pc, 500 W
TAS-IX 100Mbit/s, Internet 1Mbit/s (unlimited traffic)

1 000 000 sum

per month
Size 2U
1 IP address, 1 port
Power supply 1pc, 500 W
TAS-IX 100Mbit/s, Internet 1Mbit/s (unlimited traffic)

1 100 000 sum

per month
Size 3U
1 IP address, 1 port
Power supply 1pc, 500 W
TAS-IX 100Mbit/s, Internet 1Mbit/s (unlimited traffic)

1 200 000 sum

per month
Size 4U
1 IP address, 1 port
Power supply 1pc, 500 W
TAS-IX 100Mbit/s, Internet 1Mbit/s (unlimited traffic)
Free with every device
montaj Installation of equipment
router 100 Mbit/s Tas-IX / 1 Mbit/s Internet / 1 IPv4 address / Unlimited traffic

Dedicated Resources

  • Temperature range 22 °C +/- 3 °C,
    climate control

  • Reliable communication channels, with redundancy

Data protection
  • Uninterruptible power supply, UPS

  • Diesel generator, DGS

  • 24/7 security

Priority support
  • Free server installation

  • Technical support 24x7

  • 15% discount when paying annually

View additional information
Option Characteristic Period Price
1 IP address 1 piece 1 month 50 000 sum
Additional power outlet, 500 W 1 piece 1 month 372 400 sum
Every incomplete 100 watts of power, over 500 watts 1 piece 1 month 78 000 sum
Additional Ethernet port, 100Mbps 1 piece 1 month 200 000 sum
Channel Tas-IX 10 Mbps
100 Mbps
1 month 25 000 sum
250 000 sum
Internet channel 1 Mbit/s
10 Mbps
100 Mbps
1 month 130 000 sum
1 300 000 sum
13 000 000 sum
For 15 years,
18 000 clients have trusted us!
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Frequently Asked Questions

To help you make an informed decision, we have compiled a list of our most frequently asked questions regarding the products and services listed on this page.

If you cannot find an answer to your question or if you would like more information about it, please use the feedback or the knowledge base.

How do I use the service?
It is necessary to conclude a contract and bring a configured server to the company's office, after that our employees will install the server in the data center. To replace the components, it is necessary to provide resources to the company's office and coordinate the time.
Are your data centers part of the TAS-IX network?
TAS-IX — Tashkent Internet eXchange is an agreement between Internet service providers on the exchange of traffic between their networks. Yes, our data centers are included in TAS-IX.
What is included in the support of the service?
Our experts will help you turn off, turn on and restart your server upon request.
Any questions?
Leave your request and we will contact you within 5 minutes