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Public offer (offer to conclude a contract)
for the provision of Partnership services

Limited Liability Company "BillurCom", hereinafter referred to as the "Registrar / Hoster", represented by CEO Akilkhanov B.B., acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand, and _______________________ , hereinafter referred to as the "Partner", in the person of _____________________, acting on the basis of _______________________, On the other hand, collectively referred to as the "Parties", and each separately as the "Party", have concluded this program partnership Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) on the following.


Contract is an agreement between the Registrar/Hoster and the Partner for the implementation of legal and actual actions to support and promote services The registrar/hoster.

1.1. Hosting company (also: hoster, hosting provider, web hoster) is a company engaged in providing services for hosting equipment, data and websites on its technical sites.

1.2. The End User (applicant) is a natural or legal person who has expressed an intention to conclude or has concluded this Agreement.

1.3. Technical measures – a set of works to ensure the functioning of servers, timely introduction, modification and provision of information necessary to ensure the normal functioning of servers, as well as technical support for the operability of the main and auxiliary equipment of the Registrar / Hoster node.

1.4. Website – the official website of the Registrar / Hoster, located at www.billur.com , which, among other things, contains:

  • - a special area where the Partner's Personal Account is located, an up-to-date Price List for the service and a Table of discounts for the Partner;
  • - current texts of the Agreement and all Amendments.

1.5. Personal account is a special area of the Site where the Partner can accept the terms of the Add–ons and get acquainted with the current Price List for services and the Discount Table for the Partner.

1.6. Authorization data – login and password that allow you to identify and authorize the Partner in your Personal Account, provided to the Partner under the terms of section 3 of the Agreement.

1.7. Authorization is the procedure for entering authorization data on the Website, performed in order to identify the Partner and gain access to the Personal Account.

1.8. Order – an order issued (sent) using a Billing System in electronic form according to the form established by the Registrar / Hoster, containing a list of which the right to use is required, and / or a list of Services provided to the End User, as well as other necessary information.

1.9. Price list for services – containing on the Website in the personal account up-to-date information about the list and cost (excluding discounts) of services, registration of which can be provided by the End User under the terms of the Agreement and relevant Additions thereto, as well as up-to-date information about the list and cost (excluding discounts) of Services that can be provided by the End User through a Partner on the terms of the Agreement and the corresponding Additions to it.

1.10. The reporting period is one calendar month in which the relevant Services were provided, including ordered by the Partner, and/or registration of the relevant relevant services was provided. The reporting period is intended to determine the period for the provision, acceptance and payment of relevant Services.

1.11. Billing system is an automated system for accounting for Services provided by the Registrar / Hoster, their billing and payment.


2.1. The Registrar / Hoster, in accordance with the terms of the Agreement and other appendices (addenda) to the Agreement and Addenda thereto, if this is provided for by the Additions accepted by the Partner in accordance with Section 3 of the Agreement, provides the Partner with registration of the services specified in the relevant Addenda for further transfer of such right by the Partner to End Users.

2.2. If this is provided for by the Additions accepted by the Partner in accordance with Section 3 of the Agreement, the Partner, on its own behalf and at its own expense, on the terms of Section 6 of the Agreement and other provisions of the Agreement, concludes an agreement with End Users for the provision of one or more Services, as well as transfers to the Registrar / Hoster the cost of Services in accordance with the terms of the Agreement and the relevant Additions to it in the amount established by the current Price List for services from the service, taking into account the Discount Table for the Partner. The difference between the funds received from End Users for the provision of relevant Services and the cost of Services set by the current price list for services for the Partner, taking into account the Discount Table for the Partner, is the Partner's remuneration.

3. The procedure for registering a Partner in the Personal Account and concluding Add-ons.

3.1. In order to fulfill the terms of the Agreement, the Registrar / Hoster provides the Partner with Authorization Data no later than 14 (fourteen) business days from the date of conclusion of the Agreement. The authorization data is transmitted by electronic means of communication to the Partner's email address specified in the details.

3.2. In order to fulfill the terms of the Agreement, the Partner registers in the Personal Account by entering the provided Authorization data.

3.3. The Supplements are a public offer, and if the conditions set out in the Supplements are accepted, the person making the acceptance of this offer acquires the rights and agrees to properly fulfill the obligations set out in the Agreement and the corresponding accepted Supplements.

3.4.If there is a need to obtain the right to use domains and/or Services from End Users through a Partner acting as a Sublicensee Registrar / Hoster, the Partner logs in to his Personal Account and accepts the terms of the Supplements, which regulate the provision of the appropriate right to use domains and/or the provision of relevant Services by clicking the "Agree" button under the terms the corresponding Supplement, which is an acceptance of the terms of the corresponding Supplement.

3.5. The relevant Addendum is considered concluded and comes into force from the moment the Partner receives confirmation of receipt of the acceptance of the relevant Addendum from the Registrar / Hoster by electronic means of communication to the Partner's e-mail address specified in the details of the Agreement.

3.6. The Partner undertakes to:

3.6.1 ensure confidential storage and prevent compromise of their personal Authorization data (login, password) used to authorize the Partner when accessing the Personal Account;

3.6.2. immediately notify the Registrar / Hoster in case of loss or reasonable suspicion of violation of confidentiality (compromise) of their personal authorization data (login, password) used to authorize the Partner when accessing the Personal Account;

3.7. The Registrar / Hoster has the right to apply the terms of the Agreement and all concluded and effective Additions after authorization using the Partner's username and password without requesting additional confirmations from the partner.

4. Order Submission Procedure

4.1. Within 1 (one) business day from the date of sending the relevant Order, the Registrar / Hoster confirms the possibility of its execution or sends the Partner an offer to adjust or refuse to execute the Order by e-mail to the Partner specified in the details of the Agreement.

4.2. The Registrar / Hoster has the right to unilaterally make changes to the Price List for services or the Discount Table for the Partner. In case of changes in the terms of the Price List for Services or the Discount Table for the Partner, the Registrar / Hoster sends to the Partner by electronic means of communication to the Partner's e-mail address specified in the Contract details, a warning about changes in the terms of the Price List for Services or the Discount Table for the Partner no later than 7 (seven) days before the date of such changes. The Registrar / Hoster places a modified Price List for services and a Discount Table for the Partner in the Partner's Personal Account. A new Price List for services or a Discount Table for the Partner will enter into force and be applicable from the date of posting these documents in electronic form in the Partner's Personal Account. Sending an Order by the Partner after changing the terms of the Price List for services or the Discount Table for the Partner in the Partner's Personal Account is the Partner's consent to work in accordance with the terms of the changed Price List for services (Discount Tables for the Partner) for the corresponding Order.

5. General terms of interaction between the Parties in the provision of Services.

5.1. If this is provided for by the relevant Additions and confirmed Orders, the Registrar / Hoster, in accordance with clause 2.2. of the Agreement, authorizes the Partner to conclude, on his own behalf and at his own expense, contracts for the provision of paid Services with End Users on the following terms:

5.1.1. The Services are provided to End Users in the manner, on the terms and with the restrictions specified in the relevant Supplements and the Agreement.

5.1.2. The Partner, on his own behalf and at his own expense, concludes contracts with the End User for the provision of relevant Services, on the terms determined by the Registrar / Hoster. The Partner does not have the right to conclude Contracts for the provision of such services on other terms. The Registrar / Hoster provides the Partner with the standards of the relevant Service Agreements for conclusion with the End User by posting the standards of the agreements in electronic form on the Website in the Partner's Personal Account.

5.1.3. The Registrar / Hoster provides the Partner with all necessary information, documents, including the conditions required to be included in contracts with End Users necessary to fulfill the obligations provided for in paragraphs 2.2.

6. The Partner undertakes to:

6.1. to provide End Users with the necessary and reliable information related to the provision of Services, the cost of providing Services to the End User, as well as the procedure for changing it, taking into account the provisions of the Agreement and/or Additions thereto, as well as the standards of Contracts for the provision of relevant Services;

6.2. when concluding an agreement with the End User, as well as subsequently, guarantee the End User the right to choose the conditions and duration of use of the Services necessary for him;

6.3. properly perform other duties stipulated by the Agreement and the legislation.

6.4. At the end of the Reporting Period, the Parties sign the Act in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

6.5. The difference between the funds received from End Users for the provision of relevant Services and the cost of Services established by the current Price List for services for the Partner, taking into account the Discount Table for the Partner, is the Partner's remuneration.

6.6. The terms and specifics of the provision of relevant Services and other essential conditions are established by appropriate Additions.

6.6. The terms and specifics of the provision of relevant Services and other essential conditions are established by appropriate Additions.

7. Payment procedure

7.1. All payments under the Agreement are made in sum in a non-cash manner according to the details specified in the Agreement.

7.2. The date of payment is considered to be the date of crediting funds to the Registrar/ Hoster's current account.

7.3. The Partner, no later than the 25th (twenty-fifth) day of the month following the Reporting One, undertakes to pay the cost of granting the right to use the relevant domains and Services provided for the relevant Reporting period in accordance with the Act.

7.4. If the Partner violates the payment deadline in accordance with this section, the Registrar / Hoster has the right not to provide new Services to the Partner, as well as the right to use the relevant services.

7.5. Payment for the Reporting month is subject to the cost of the rights ordered by the Partner to use the relevant Services, including based on the period for which such rights and Services are provided to each End User, specified in the Orders sent by the Partner in the Reporting Month.

7.6. The cost of granting the rights to use the Services is set by the Price List for the services, which is an integral part of this Agreement, posted on the official website of the Registrar / Hoster at www.billur.com , with the application of discounts according to the Discount Table for the Partner specified in the personal account. The discount amount for the Partner depends on the type of Service ordered or, as well as the total cost of the Services ordered in the Reporting month and the rights to use domains according to the Act.

7.7. For each agreement concluded by the Registrar/Hoster with a Client attracted through a Partner, the Registrar/Hoster pays the Partner a remuneration in the amount according to the partner's category monthly from all amounts paid by the Client to the Contractor during the term of the service agreement between the Registrar/Hoster and the Client based on Customer accounting carried out in the Partner's personal account The Billing panel of the Registrar/Hoster and during the term of the Partnership Agreement between the Registrar/Hoster and the Partner.

7.8. No more than one remuneration payment may be made to the Partner during a calendar month

7.9. Payment of remuneration in favor of third parties is not carried out at the request of the Partner.

8. Responsibility of the Parties

8.1. The Parties are responsible for non–fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their obligations under the Agreement in accordance with the terms of the latter, and in the part not regulated by the Agreement - in accordance with the terms of the Supplements and the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

8.1. The Partner hereby confirms that he is aware of the most important functional properties of the services, the registration of which is provided under the terms of the Agreement and Supplements. The partner bears the risk of matching these services to their wishes and needs. The Registrar / Hoster is not responsible for any losses incurred as a result of improper use or inability to use the services, if such losses did not arise due to the fault of the Registrar / Hoster.

8.2. All agreements with the End User, the Partner concludes and executes on his own behalf and at his own expense and bears full responsibility for the proper execution of such agreements, as well as all risks associated with non-fulfillment (improper execution) The end user of such agreements and accepted obligations.

8.3. In case of delay by the Partner in paying any payment under the Agreement, the Registrar / Hoster has the right to demand payment of a penalty in the amount of 0.5% of the overdue payment amount for each day of delay, but not more than 20% exceeding the amount owed.

8.4. In case of late payment by the Registrar / Hoster of any payment under the Agreement, the Partner has the right to demand payment of a penalty in the amount of 0.5% of the overdue payment amount for each day of delay, but not more than 20% exceeding the amount owed.

9. Circumstances of force majeure.

9.1. The Parties to the Agreement are released from liability for full or partial non-fulfillment of their obligations, if such non-fulfillment was the result of force majeure circumstances, that is, events that could not have been foreseen or prevented. The above circumstances in the context of the Contract include: a natural disaster, fire, war or military actions, a strike in an industry or region, the adoption by a state authority/management and/or local government body of legal and/or law enforcement acts that resulted in the impossibility of fulfilling the Contract and other actions beyond the reasonable foresight and control of the Parties.

9.2. Upon the occurrence of force majeure circumstances, each Party must notify the other Party in writing no later than 5 (five) business days after the occurrence of such circumstances. The notification must contain data on the nature of the circumstances, an assessment of their impact on the possibility of the Party fulfilling its obligations under the Agreement, as well as the expected duration of their validity.

9.3. If any of the above circumstances affected the performance of the Contract on time, the deadline for the performance of obligations under the Contract is postponed for the period of force majeure.

9.4. If the force majeure circumstances last for more than one month, the Parties conduct additional negotiations to identify acceptable alternative ways of fulfilling the Contract or the Contract is subject to termination in accordance with the established procedure.

Dispute resolution procedure

10.1. In case of disputes or disagreements between the Parties during the performance of the Agreement or in connection with it, the Parties undertake to resolve them in a claim-based manner. The deadline for responding to a claim is 10 (ten) days from the date of its receipt by the Party, and if the other party refuses to receive it, 10 (ten) days from the date of its referral.

10.2. If the Parties do not reach agreement on the above issues, the dispute is referred to the Economic Court at the location of the Registrar / Hoster.

The term of the Agreement. The procedure for modification and termination.

11.1. The Agreement comes into force from the date of its signing by authorized representatives of the Parties and is valid until its termination by the parties.

11.2. Upon termination of the Agreement for any reason, its provisions will apply to the relations of the Parties until the complete completion of mutual settlements and the transfer of the necessary documentation.

11.3. The Registrar / Hoster has the right to unilaterally terminate the Agreement by notifying the Partner in writing if the delay in payment under the Agreement was more than 30 (thirty) days.

11.4. In the event of a change in the policy of the relevant Copyright Holder in the field of pricing and/or distribution of services, the Registrar / Hoster may require the Partner to conclude an appropriate additional agreement to the Agreement and/or an appropriate additional agreement to the Agreement and/or an appropriate Addendum, and the Partner is obliged to sign (accept) such an additional agreement. The Partner's refusal to conclude the above-mentioned additional agreement or his silence after 5 (five) business days from the date of receipt of the relevant notification from the Registrar / Hoster is the basis for unilateral termination of the Agreement at the discretion of the Registrar / Hoster in whole or in part.

11.5. The Agreement may be terminated unilaterally on the initiative of one of the Parties after 20 (twenty) working days from the date of written notification of the other Party of their desire to terminate the Agreement, the Parties are obliged to complete all settlements under the Agreement within the above period, unless otherwise follows from the relevant Additions.

11.6. Upon termination of the Agreement, the Partner is solely responsible to the End Users for non-fulfillment (improper fulfillment) of the Agreements concluded between the End User and the Partner and bears all other risks.

11.7. All changes to the terms of the Agreement, unless otherwise stipulated by the Agreement (regarding Additions, changes to the Price List for services, Discount Tables for the Partner, etc.) or by agreement of the Parties, are valid only if they are made in writing and signed by authorized representatives of the Parties. The acts, annexes, and additional agreements drawn up by the Parties must contain a reference to the Agreement and indicate the date of signing of the document. If there is no such date on the document, the date of signing is considered to be the date of drawing up the document or the date of receipt of the document by the Party. These documents are signed by the appropriate representatives from each of the Parties and after signing by the Parties become an integral part of the Agreement.

11.8. If the terms of the Agreement contradict the terms of the additional agreements signed by the Parties, the terms of the relevant additional agreement shall apply.

11.9. The terms of the Additions to the Agreement are not subject to change. If the terms of the Supplements contradict the terms of the Agreement, the relevant provisions of the Supplements apply.

Final conditions

12.1. The Agreement is drawn up in two identical copies having the same legal force, one copy for each of the Parties, or sent to the Partner via EDI.

12.2. Neither Party has the right to transfer rights and obligations under the Agreement to third parties without the written consent of the other Party.

12.3. It is allowed to transfer and (or) sign documents to the Partner's email address___________________, or through EDO. The Partner undertakes to receive information and take note, the Partner undertakes to monitor the receipt of electronic messages on a daily basis. Confirmation of the direction of information, documents and acceptance by the Partner is a report on the direction, an outgoing document in the Registrar/ Hoster's e-mail.

12.4. The transfer of documents, information using Authorization Data, Personal Account reliably confirms that the information, documents come from the Registrar/ Hoster or Partner, respectively, and are signed by them, respectively. Such documents may contain scanned signatures, electronic digital signatures or another analogue of a handwritten signature, and may also not be signed, but the parties have stipulated that such documents are considered signed by the party from which the documents and information originate. Confirmation of the transfer of such documents and their acceptance will be the saved data in the "sent" folder, etc.

12.5. The Agreement, together with all the Amendments that have entered into force, contains the final and complete terms of the agreement of the Parties and replaces all previous correspondence and preliminary negotiations of the Parties on its subject. Any agreement between the Parties entailing new obligations not provided for in the Agreement and the Amendments that have entered into force is considered valid if it is confirmed by the Parties in writing in the form of an additional agreement to the Agreement.

12.6. The Agreement is subject to execution and interpretation in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The names of sections, the placement of paragraphs and the sequence of presentation of conditions on the obligations of the Parties in the text of the Agreement do not determine the meaning of its terms: when interpreting the terms of the Agreement, the literal meaning of the words and expressions contained therein is determined in accordance with the meaning of terms established in accordance with legislative and other normative acts regulating the legal relations corresponding to the subject of interpretation.

12.6. The Agreement is subject to execution and interpretation in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The names of sections, the placement of paragraphs and the sequence of presentation of conditions on the obligations of the Parties in the text of the Agreement do not determine the meaning of its terms: when interpreting the terms of the Agreement, the literal meaning of the words and expressions contained therein is determined in accordance with the meaning of terms established in accordance with legislative and other normative acts regulating the legal relations corresponding to the subject of interpretation.

12.8. Working days for the purpose of fulfilling the obligations of the Parties under the Agreement are understood to be working days based on a five-day working week (all days of the week except Saturday and Sunday), which are not public holidays in accordance with the legislation.

12.9. In the event of a change in the addresses and/or settlement details of the Parties, the Party whose details have changed is obliged to notify the other Party within 5 (five) business days from the date of entry into force of such changes. At the same time, the conclusion of any additional agreement between the Parties is not required.


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