How can I set up a task to run at a specific time? Print

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You can configure the execution of scripts for a specific time through the Control Panel, in the "Task Scheduler" section. Fill in the time and path to the executable file and click "Add".

Time, interval
Minutes can be from 0 to 59
Hours can be from 0 to 23
The day of the month can be from 1 to 31
Month can be 1 to 12
The day of the week can be from 0 to 7 (0 and 7 are Sunday)

You can configure Task Scheduler to run tasks not only at a specific time, but also every minute, hourly, daily, weekly or monthly using the */x combination

*/5 * * * * - run the command every five minutes
0 */3 * * * - run every three hours
0 12,13,14 * * * - run the command every hour from 12 to 14

You must set the path to the script from your home directory

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