Node.JS, Ruby, PHP Print

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1. Node.JS

Node.js is a JavaScript runtime that allows you to write incredibly powerful server-side code.
Available versions - 10, 12, 14, 16, 17
One of the most important advantages of the platform is asynchrony combined with an event-based approach. Unlike threading, event-oriented programming is based on some
external actions. This solution simplifies the programming of interactive applications, i.e. based on work using input-output.
These can be colorful interactive web services or all kinds of ratings, voting, etc.
A fairly large number of solutions have been implemented on Node.JS: Netflix, Uber, Paypal, Walmart and others.

First, you need to upload your Node.JS project to your hosting.
The project must contain the correct data structure.
As an example, you can use the project for testing -
In order for the ability to install NPM packages to become active, you must fill out package.json correctly
After making changes to the project, you need to click on the "Restart application" button in the "Sites and Domains" section

To use Node.JS, you must log in to the Plesk hosting control panel and select Node.js in the “Sites and Domains” section
After this you need to do the following:

select Node.js version;
specify "Domain root folder";
select "Application mode" (production/development);
specify "Application root folder";
specify "Application launch file"

When all actions are completed, you need to click on the “Enable Node.js” button
After which you can open in your browser, by the name of your domain, your project created on Node.js


2. Ruby

Ruby is a dynamic, reflective, interpreted high-level programming language.
The language has an operating system-independent implementation of multithreading and strong dynamic typing.
Ruby borrows the best from other programming languages, from smalltalk to Java, from Perl to Python.
Available versions - 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 3.0 and 3.1
A fairly large number of solutions have been implemented in Ruby: Twitter, Aviasales, OneTwoTrip, Onlinetours and others.


First, you need to upload your Ruby project to hosting.
The project must contain the correct data structure.
As an example, you can use the project for testing -
In order for the ability to install GEM packages to become active, you must fill out the Rakefile correctly
After making changes to the project, you need to click on the "Restart application" button in the "Sites and Domains" section

To use Ruby, you must log in to the Plesk hosting control panel and select Ruby in the “Sites and Domains” section
After this you need to do the following:

select Ruby version;
select "Application mode" (production/development);
specify "Application root folder"




PHP is a general-purpose scripting language intensively used for developing web applications. Currently supported by the vast majority of companies, it is one of the leading languages used to create dynamic websites.
Available versions - 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6,7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.0, 8.1 and 8.2
A fairly large number of solutions have been implemented in PHP: BlaBlaCar, Yahoo!, Yandex, WordPress, Wikipedia and others.

First, you need to upload your PHP project to your hosting.
The project must contain the correct data structure. Hosted PHP runs through the FastCGI and FPM module.
As an example, you can use the project for testing -
To use PHP, you must log in to the Plesk hosting control panel and in the "Sites and Domains" section and go to "PHP Settings"
After this you need to do the following:
select the desired PHP version, for example 7.4;
select startup mode, for example FPM

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