What restrictions apply to web hosting? Print

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The maximum number of simultaneous connections (max_user_connections) is 100;
Only internal connections are available to MySQL, external connections are closed;
PHP Memory Limit - 128 MB (on Expert, Business, VIP and Guru tariffs - 512 MB);
PHP Max Execution Time - 30 seconds (on Expert, Business, VIP and Guru tariffs - 120 seconds);
PHP Max Input Vars - 1,000 (on Expert, Business, VIP and Guru tariffs - 10,000);
SSH support (on Expert, Business, VIP and Guru tariffs);
Maximum traffic - 100 GB/month. (on Expert, Business, VIP and Guru tariffs - unlimited);
PHP Max Upload Size - 64 MB;
List of disabled PHP functions;
The maximum number of resource records of each DNS type is 200;
The maximum number of subdomains and aliases is 30;
Outgoing connections via non-standard ports/protocols are limited;
With 10 incorrect authorization attempts, your IP address will be blocked by the security system for 1 hour;
The Customer's load on the Internet channel should not exceed 5% of the Contractor's total Internet channel;
The maximum number of outgoing messages for one mailbox is 220 per hour;
The maximum message size, including service headers, is 64 MB;
Installation of additional libraries is prohibited;
To prevent unwanted correspondence, outgoing SMTP connections are closed. To send mail messages you can use PHP mail


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