Error "Unknown collation utf8mb4 unicode 520 ci" when importing a database Print

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When transferring a site's database (DB) from one hosting to another, you may receive a notification about encoding error #1273 “Unknown collation utf8mb4 unicode 520 ci”. This is due to the fact that the imported old database was created in the encoding of an older version of MySQL than the new one.


To solve this problem, you need to open the database dump with any convenient code editor (Notepad). Then perform the following sequence of actions:

find lines with the passage “utf8mb4_unicode_ci” (another option is possible - “utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci”) and replace them with “utf8_general_ci”;
find lines with the passage “utf8mb4” and replace them with “utf8”.

After the completed replacements, the database import will take place without errors and the site will be able to function normally.

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