DNS has not yet been updated. How to access the site? Print

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Sometimes situations arise when a domain name has not yet been registered, DNS has not been updated, or you simply need to test the site. In this case, you can hardcode the site in the hosts file. Please note that until the DNS update, the site will only work on your computer.

First of all, you need to find out the IP address of the site on our server.

You can find it in the control panel. If this is Virtual hosting in the Plesk panel, the sites and domains section. If this is a dedicated Cloud server in your personal account at billur.com.

Then we will directly write the IP address and website into the hosts file.

If you use Windows OS, it is located at


(meaning that C: is the system drive on which the system is installed).

If you use Linux/Unix-like operating systems (including MacOS), edit the file with superuser privileges


Add a line like this at the end of the file:


where testsite.com is the domain name of your site, and site ip.address is the IP address of our server, which we learned above.

When the DNS is updated, we recommend removing your site from the hosts file

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