Why do you need to pay on time for purchased services: Domain, Hosting, SSL certificate, etc. Print

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Today, every self-respecting organization has its own website, which is the company’s representative office on the Internet.

It must be remembered that a site is not just a set of pages, but also a domain name, thanks to which the site becomes accessible to a wide range of people, as well as a huge number of additional services associated with it, such as e-mail, online advertising, etc. P.

In this situation, it is important to ensure the uninterrupted operation of the site itself and all services. This is exactly what hosting companies do. At the same time, quality service, in turn, can only be provided if the work is paid accordingly.

Timely payment guarantees the stable operation of the site. If payment for these services is not made on time, then the operation of the site and additional services is suspended until the debt is repaid.


What is the threat of suspension of the site?
Suspension of the site is an exceptional (abnormal) situation, in which:

1. The site does not load. Your website becomes inaccessible to potential clients and partners.

2. Online advertising (contextual advertising) is suspended. Thus, potential clients and partners do not see advertising of your products and services.

3. Downtime on a website has a bad effect on its search engine promotion. If a search robot visits several times when the site is unavailable, this may lead to the site being excluded from the search index. This way, customers will not be able to find your site in a search engine.


How to avoid suspension of the site?
To avoid blocking a site, you need to regularly monitor the expiration dates of hosting orders, name registration and other services related to the operation of the site.

Payment reminders for service renewals
Reminders about the need to pay for renewal of services will help to facilitate this process:

1. Reminders containing payment instructions are sent to you in advance of the expiration date of your order.

2. The email confirming the fulfillment of your hosting order specifies the next invoice date. We recommend saving this date in your diary and adding a reminder to your calendar (Outlook, Google calendar, etc.).

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