FTP protection, using the .ftpaccess file. Print

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This allows you to change settings using .ftpaccess files. Directives specified in the .ftpaccess file only affect the directory in which it is located and all its subdirectories.

To allow FTP access only from certain IPs, place a .ftpaccess file with the contents in the root of your account:

<Limit ALL>
Allow from xx.xx.xx.xx
Allow from
Deny from all

Where xx.xx.xx.xx is the IP address from which FTP access to the account is allowed. IP address of the FTPAdmin service, if you need it, leave a note.

If you still cannot get a dedicated address and have dynamic addresses, then you can, for example, allow access to the entire network of your provider, for example it will look like this:

<Limit ALL>
Deny from all

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