What are Blacklists of spam servers, DNSBL Print

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What are Blacklists of spam servers, DNSBL


DNSBL, blacklists or blacklists is a Domain Name System based Blackhole List (DNSBL) or Real Time Blackhole List (RBL) is an attempt to stop email spam. This is a “blacklist” of places on the Internet that is considered spamming email. Locations consist of IP addresses that are most often used to publish the addresses of computers or networks associated with spam; Most mail servers can be configured to reject or flag messages sent from a site listed on one or more of these lists. The term "Blackhole List" is sometimes used interchangeably with the terms "blacklist" and "black list".

DNSBL is a software mechanism, not a specific list or policy. There are dozens of DNSBLs, [1] which use a wide range of criteria for listing and delisting addresses. These may include a list of addresses of zombie computers or other computers used to send spam, Internet Service Providers (ISPs) that willingly host spammers, or those who have sent spam to the honeypot system.

Since the creation of the first DNSBL in 1998, the operation and policies of these lists have often been controversial,[2][3] both in online advocacy and sometimes in litigation. Many operators and users of email systems [4] consider DNSBLs to be a valuable tool for sharing information about the sources of spam, but others, including some prominent Internet activists, oppose them as a form of censorship. [5] [6] [7] [8] Additionally, a small number of DNSBL operators have been the subject of lawsuits brought by spammers seeking to shut down lists. [9]

You can find out more details here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNSBL

Removing an IP address from the blacklist

The deletion procedure looks different in each blacklist. Somewhere the process is completely automated, and if after entering the address no spam was noticed for a certain time, the address is deleted. Somewhere you need to write a request asking to remove the address and explain why spam was sent and what was done to prevent it from happening again. Somewhere just click on the “De-list” link. Some blacklists remove IP addresses only for money; usually such things are done by unknown organizations whose lists, in fact, no one uses

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