How to install a certificate on IIS? Print

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1. Go to Start - Control Panel - Administrative Tools and select Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager

2. Click on the server name.

3. In the central menu, go to the "Security" section and open "Server Certificates".


4. Click on the “Complete Certificate Request” link, which is located in the “Actions” menu on the right side of the window. As a result, the Complete Certificate Request wizard window will open.


5. Download the resulting certificate. Next, enter the name of the certificate. It's worth noting that the name is not part of the certificate, but it can be used to easily recognize the certificate.


6. Click OK. After this, the certificate will be installed on the server.

7. After successfully installing the certificate on the server, you need to install it on your website using IIS.

8. From the "Connections" menu of the main Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager window, select the name of the server on which the certificate was installed.

9. In the "Sites" section, select the website for which the SSL certificate was issued.

10. In the "Actions" menu, which is on the right side of the page, click on "Bindings". This will open the "Site Bindings" window.


11. In the "Site Bindings" window, click "Add". As a result, the "Add Site Binding" window will open.


12. From the Type menu, select https. In the "IP address" menu there should be the site's IP address or All Unassigned. By default, port 443 is specified for an SSL connection. In the "SSL Certificate" field, enter the exact name of the certificate that you installed during step No. 7.


13. Click on the "OK" button


14. Now your SSL certificate is installed and the website supports a secure connection.

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