What is Glue recording? Print

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Glue record (gluing record).

No, this is not a special type of zone file entry, it is simply a standard technique often used when delegating a zone of responsibility. The point is this. When you apply for delegation, you are required to provide at least two mandatory things: the name of the domain (zone) and a list of name servers. According to the standard, name servers for a zone are specified by DNS names, not IP addresses. This means that the resolver, having received the name of the name server, from which we can find out the address of the host we are interested in, must perform another DNS request, with the help of which we find out the IP address of the desired name server. If the name of this nameserver is in a different area of responsibility, everything will be OK. However, if the nameserver name is in the same zone, the situation will go in cycles. To prevent this from happening, the administrator of the zone above us must register an additional A-record for our nameserver - a glue record.

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